Tuesday, July 6, 2010

may the 4th be with you

AUGUST 4th is the date I will depart, barring any sort of unforseen mishaps (a broken arm, monsoon, TB, an Arrested Development reunion mini-series, etc). That gives me just about 4 weeks to get my act together, finish up my planning as much as possible, and head west.

I've moved out of my NYC apartment today with the help of good ol' mom and dad, who at this point have moved me somewhere in the vicinity of 20 times. Saints they are. With gigs here in NYC, Cambridge, MA, and Pleasantville, NY, I'm only a few days from being completely uprooted from Manhattan.

In other news, a few items that will change my course:

- Touchdown Jesus burns to the ground after being hit by lightning. I would say "What are the odds?" but apparently they're pretty good.

Before planning my trip: After planning my trip:

- Lollapalooza is possibly thrown into the mix. Until my tix pull through, I refuse to spend any more time getting excited about it.

- I have registered for CouchSurfing.org. Check their site out if you're not familiar with it. My dear friends at the Today Show ran a segment on it recently and have verified that it will:
* drastically decrease my expenditures on nightly accommodations whilst in cities not inhabited by friends and family
* hypothetically give me some more great road stories to share with you here (read: severely increase the total amount of awkward moments in my life)
* only marginally increase my chances of being abducted and skinned in the middle of the night and made into a lampshade.

- Despite Enterprise Rent-A-Car's advertisements of "unlimited mileage" anywhere in the continental US, my phone representative, Nancy, informed that "That's just not true." So, I'm in the market to buy a car. More to come on this...

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